A pressure cooker and slow cooker in one, the Fast Slow Cooker from Breville is the perfect cooking aid. Whether you're using the slow or pressure cooking options the Fast Slow Cooker has a built-in sear option allowing you to sear meats and sauté veggies directly inside the six-litre non-stick removable pot. Using the pressure cooking function you can cook meals for up to 99 minutes with results tasting like they were simmered for hours ““ homemade vegetable soup can be enjoyed after only 15 minutes! The slow cooker function lets you cook on low for eight hours or high for six, and will shift into Auto Keep Warm for up to one-and-a-half hours upon cooking completion. Fully programmable with built-in safety features, this innovative appliance is also equipped with a stainless steel steaming basket and heat resistant paddle and spatula. Available for $200, go online for retailers.