The Ontario Apple Growers (OAG) are inviting families to attend a Winter Apple Ball in celebration of the 200th anniversary of the McIntosh apple (and its delectable descendants) at the Westin Harbour Castle Hotel. Whether attired in jeans and tiaras or their favourite party outfits, apple enthusiasts of all ages will honour local heritage by taking part in a plethora of apple-tastic attractions including an attempt at a Guinness World Recordsâ„¢ for the most kids (18 years or under) bobbing for apples. The OAG is requesting that each guest bring their favourite Ontario apple, which will be donated to Second Harvest. All donations will be matched by the OAG. As only 1,000 free tickets are available, guests are encouraged to register early and sign up for the World Record.
Monday, February 21 (Family Day)
Westin Harbour Castle Hotel
1 Harbour Square, Toronto